"We Are Your Voice" is an initiative which aims at Connecting Socially Responsible HR Professionals and Employers with differently-Abled Budding Professionals.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Get Started!
Differently-abled Job Seekers, please fill out the form by clicking on the link and stay in touch with us.
New Registration Register with Existing UserID/Mobile/Email LoginCompanies Registration
Interested in building an Inclusive Workforce? Please fill out the form in as much detail as you can. We will help you to find the best talent from the Differently-Abled community.
New Registration Register with Existing UserID/Mobile/Email LoginVolunteers
You are our back bone. Please fill this form to help us understand your interests better, and work together.
New Registration Register with Existing UserID/Mobile/EmailWe Are Your Voice Support Us
We are so happy you're interested in getting involved with our work here at weareyourvoice.
There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort.
Call: +91 755-755-0888, +91 755-755-0999
Email: ec@weareyourvoice.org
Please Click Here to Volunteer
Please write to us if you want share your Ideas or begin the Conversation ec@weareyourvoice.org

Affiliations and Partnerships

Employers Everywhere